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#151 Etemon
Type: Virus Memory: 12
Attribute: Dark Equip Slots: 3
Support Skill: Muscle Monkey Suit
Reduces physical damage received by 15%.

Digivolves FromEvolution Chart

Digivolves Into
PiedmonLevel: 50Requires: ATK: 130, INT: 160, SPD: 110, ABI: 20
PlatinumNumemonLevel: 65Requires: ABI: 10
MetalEtemonLevel: 45Requires: SP: 100, ATK: 120, DEF: 140, ABI: 20
KingEtemonLevel: 45Requires: ATK: 110, DEF: 130, SPD: 100, ABI: 20
PileVolcamonLevel: 50Requires: ATK: 120, DEF: 135, ABI: 20

Level Attack Name SP Cost Type Power Attribute Inherit
1Love Serenade30Magic0DarkNo
INT-penetrating medium Dark attack on all foes. 15% chance of paralyzing target.
15Hell Crusher I4Magic20DarkYes
Magic attack, 20 Dark damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
25Escape Dash0Support0NeutralYes
Flee from a battle.
35Mirror Reflection6Support0NeutralYes
Counterattacks the enemy when you receive a magic attack.
45Nightmare III9Magic95DarkYes
Magic attack, 95 Dark damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.

Lv. 50 1130 133 104 119 129 133
Lv. 01 600 80 55 70 80 80
Lv. 99 1670 187 153 168 178 187