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#287 MagnaGarurumon
Type: Free Memory: 18
Attribute: Light Equip Slots: 3
Support Skill: Dark-Lgt, Thunder-Cannon
Increases damage dealt by Electric, Water, Light, and Dark skills by 8%.

Digivolves FromEvolution Chart

Digivolves Into
MagnaGarurumon (SV)Level: 0Requires: Mode Change
SusanomonLevel: 60Requires: HP: 1000, ATK: 150, INT: 150, ABI: 100, CAM: 100%, Digimon: KaiserGreymon

Level Attack Name SP Cost Type Power Attribute Inherit
1Machinegun Destroyer20Physical150FireNo
Physical attack, 150 Fire damage to one foe. Decreases DEF by 10%.
20Saint Knuckle III9Physical105LightYes
Physical attack, 105 Light damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
35Destruction Cannon II6Physical85DarkYes
Physical attack, 85 Dark damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Restores a little HP for all party members.
65Chain Max8Support0NeutralYes
Increase COMBO for one member by 100%.
80Thunder Fall III10Physical75ThunderYes
Physical attack, 75 Thunder damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.

Lv. 50 1480 122 175 104 114 183
Lv. 01 900 78 112 60 75 125
Lv. 99 2070 166 239 148 153 242