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#226 Varodurumon
Type: Vaccine Memory: 20
Attribute: Light Equip Slots: 2
Support Skill: Purge Shine
Reduces damage taken from attacks from bad matchups by 10% and converts it to SP.

Digivolves FromEvolution Chart

Digivolves Into
Chaosmon VALevel: 60Requires: ATK: 155, INT: 100, ABI: 40, CAM: 100%, Digimon: BanchoLeomon

Level Attack Name SP Cost Type Power Attribute Inherit
1Aurora Undulation20Magic80LightNo
Magic Attack, 80 Light damage to all foes. Always hits. Removes all abnormal statuses.
20Holy Light III9Magic95LightYes
Magic attack, 95 Light damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
35Safety Guard32Support0NeutralYes
Make one member endure all attacks that could kill you once.
50Final Aura40Support0NeutralYes
Restores a lot of HP for all party members.
65Shining Laser III10Magic65LightYes
Magic attack, 65 Light damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
80Perfect Revival60Support0NeutralYes
Revive all fallen party members with full HP.

Lv. 50 1580 164 103 94 189 173
Lv. 01 1000 120 40 50 150 115
Lv. 99 2170 208 167 138 228 232