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#041 ToyAgumon
Type: Vaccine Memory: 4
Attribute: Neutral Equip Slots: 1
Support Skill: Ironclad Defense
Increases DEF by 15%.

Digivolves FromEvolution Chart

Digivolves Into
ClockmonLevel: 14Requires: INT: 35
GuardromonLevel: 14Requires: DEF: 55
GreymonLevel: 16Requires: ATK: 55, CAM: 50%
SukamonLevel: 12Requires: HP: 150, DEF: 40
StarmonLevel: 14Requires: HP: 150, DEF: 35
Guardromon (Gold)Level: 14Requires: HP: 130, DEF: 60

Level Attack Name SP Cost Type Power Attribute Inherit
1Plastic Blaze5Physical60FireNo
Physical attack, 60 Fire damage to one foe. 10% chance of reducing target's INT by 10%.
6Power Energy I3Magic60NeutralYes
Magic attack, 60 Neutral damage to one foe. Always Hits.
12Burst Flame I3Magic55FireYes
Magic attack, 55 Fire damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.

Lv. 50 1110 87 72 112 63 71
Lv. 01 480 34 28 49 19 32
Lv. 99 1750 141 116 176 107 110